Are Free Mold Tests in Delaware and Maryland Real?

Unicorns, Mermaids, and Free Mold Tests In Delaware and Maryland

Much like mythical creatures, the idea of a free mold test is a cruelly untrue fantasy. The reason is simple, an actual mold test requires three things that all cost money: 

  • testing media/supplies and collection support equipment

  • a knowledgeable person to properly collect samples

  • sample transportation and laboratory examination

When someone contacts us to evaluate a mold issue, the reason for testing is most important. It could be out of concern for potential health hazards, the possibility of ongoing damage to the home, or both. If there is a potential for litigation or an insurance claim, the credibility and accuracy of the testing involved are extremely important. The practice of providing free estimates simply does not apply to these types of tasks. 

Mold tests are a service-related product that requires professional intervention to inform accurately, much like a lab test at a doctor’s office. They both evaluate existing conditions, determine if there are indications of a problem, and inform a diagnosis for follow-on treatment. You don’t know the lab technician, but you can reasonably assume they have been adequately trained to collect and submit your blood sample. All the supporting equipment and materials are specialized and cost money to use or expend. The laboratory conducting the examination of the submitted sample also has specialized equipment and trained personnel on their end—all contributing to the credibility of the report sent to the doctor’s office to support their diagnosis and treatment options. Just like the presence of indicators present in a blood sample, the level and types of mold found in a sample provide useful information to inform the diagnosis and remediation options. So, the mold test of the air in your home, much like the blood test in the doctor’s office, and for the same reasons, cannot possibly be free. 

Some service providers may offer a no-cost evaluation, but don’t be fooled. It’s usually a gimmick to up-sell you into follow-on testing and services. This is the equivalent of a guess or opinion taking the place of a lab-provided blood test at your doctor’s office. At the end of the day, when it comes to your health and your home, no service worth having is free. 

The Indoor Air Quality Consultant (IAC2) technicians at Tokori exclusively use Pro-Labs equipment and materials, as well as their nationally accredited independent evaluation laboratories to conduct all indoor air quality tests. If remediation is required, our clearance testing—verifying effectiveness—provides certainty and peace of mind. If you are concerned about a mold issue in your home, please call to schedule an evaluation and test as soon as possible—unaddressed moisture intrusion problems just worsen over time.

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