Home Inspections

With years of residential rental and investment property experience, we bring the practical know how that other inspectors simply don't have.

Each of our home inspections are conducted by dually-licensed tradesmen. Very few home inspections are performed by licensed contractors, but doesn't it make sense that they should be?  Quality service doesn't cost; it pays!   

We are licensed in DE, MD, and VA and have been in business since 2008, you can't get that level of expertise and pragmatic advice from a home inspection franchise or newly minted inspector. We also are extensively networked with area tradesmen and subcontractors--we can get it done fast enough to meet your closing deadline, and we ensure your peace of mind by providing a quality control re-inspection of the work of our contractor and tradesmen referrals at no cost to you. 

Experience saves sales!   

No home is perfect; and we can and will find things that need attention.  In the vast majority of cases, the cost of required repairs can be negotiated, the problems can be fixed, and a sales contract and property closing can be saved.  Additionally, we can provide bonafide repair cost estimates from a licensed,  professionally licensed home improvement contractor--information that could be invaluable in the negotiations needed to salvage a deal!

We pride ourselves on responsiveness.  

Inspections and property consultations are promptly scheduled and report formats can be customized to meet a client's specific requirements.  These reports are typically delivered within 24 hours.


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