Three Types of Problems Found in New Construction Homes in Sussex & Kent County Delaware in 2024

If you’re building a new home in southern Delaware, an impartial inspection by a licensed home inspector is a smart move if you don’t want to face costly corrections later. If you catch them within the warranty period, the builder will pay to correct. Otherwise, it is on you and it can be expensive. 

Following are the top three types of defects found in area homes we’ve inspected in 2024. 

Significant structural damage to framing in attics, basements, and crawlspaces

Unaddressed damage or improper repairs to structural framing are found on many builds. Note that all structural defects must be called out by a licensed home inspector and that these defects will likely threaten buyer financing and could result in costly repairs when it comes time to sell. There is a strong incentive to install damaged engineered building components, such as trusses or I-joists, because of the difficulty and cost involved in obtaining timely replacements. Most manufacturers will include technical bulletins to address common damages on a job site and some builders will obtain local engineering specifications to document repairs. Unfortunately, it is extremely rare that we find these repairs are done properly—even in cases where the required documentation is affixed to the repaired area. Getting someone to check on the work who has experience in reading these technical specifications and properly effecting these repairs will save you headaches and expense.

Improper installation or missing areas of insulation or fire blocking sealant in the attic or crawlspace

Most area attics on new construction homes are passively ventilated, which only works if air flow is unobstructed from the soffits to the ridge vents. We commonly see soffit vents closed off or completely covered with blow in insulation. This creates excessive humidity in the attic and leads to microbial growth, fastener corrosion, and premature wear of building materials. We have also found numerous cases of hard-to-access ceiling or upper-level exterior facing wall areas that have no insulation at all. Fire stop foam or sealant for walls, subflooring, and ceilings is often gapped or completely missing in almost all new builds, and, in some cases, the wrong type of sealant is installed (not suitable for fire safety). Finally, it's common to see areas of displaced or severely compressed insulation in attics that have had follow-on service work. Left unaddressed, these areas will contribute to potentially significant energy losses over time.

Improperly installed adhered masonry stone veneer (AMSV) on the home’s exterior

By far the most frequent defects found on area homes due to its popularity, AMSV is a formed concrete material that is almost always installed incorrectly. The most common errors include: a lack of flashing bedding seal; inadequate clearance to grade or hard surfaces; improper vertical transitions to other cladding, windows, or doors; and, improper sealing of penetrations, such as dryer vents and hose bibs. These types of defects will allow water to enter the wall cavity and could result in serious damage to the structure. All AMSV materials should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions, most of which are in line with the National Concrete Masonry Association’s guidelines.

Our Certified Master Inspector is also New Residential Structure (NRS) certified and has decades of construction experience. We know what to look for when evaluating a newly built home and can save an owner a good deal of grief in identifying defects and errors before the builder’s warranty expires. You need an independent, knowledgeable inspection of any new construction home in Delaware, please give us a call to schedule before your builder’s warranty is up.


Buying a Home in Delaware? Home Inspection?